Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Searching for Miracles by Jaye Lewis

Before God spoke the universe into existence He knew my name.

Before He created the atmosphere He held me in His heart.

Before He created the oceans, the land, the plants and creeping things He chose the color of my hair.

Before He created the animals and before He created the first man He loved me.

He placed within Adam’s body all of the DNA of every human being who would ever walk the earth, and within him he placed the color of my eyes.

Before He knit me together within my mother’s womb he cherished the sound of my laugh.

Before I shed my first tear he felt my pain.

Before my sin, my sorrow, and my stubborn disobedience, he chose to carry them to the Cross. He hung there His blood pouring out…for me.

Why he chose to do this I cannot comprehend. God wanted me to be his own child. How can that be? With all of my flaws and character defects He wanted me to believe in Him, and He gave me the grace to believe in myself.

God loves me with a fire that can never be quenched. I am special to him, even if I am not special to anyone else, including myself.

I have tried to perfect myself, and I have failed.

I have tried to believe the world’s message, but I have found no answers.

I have followed the paths forged by others only to find disaster at every bend in the road.

Only God has given me the answers that I have sought. Peace. Love. Fulfillment.

The change in my life is not a complicated one.

It’s not about how good I am or how I pray or how often I go to church. It’s not about money or fame or popularity.

I cannot speak for others. They must decide for themselves.

I only know that the world has given me no happiness.

After searching my entire life, I have only been able to find the answers to my questions, on my knees at the foot of the Cross.

© Jaye Lewis, 2003

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

In the Beauty of the Evening by Jaye Lewis

In the beauty of the evening
Through the garden as I stroll,
I walk among the lilies
To renew my burdened soul.

As I ponder on my troubles
And replay my anxious thoughts,
I can hear my Savior whisper
Peace cannot be bought.

What words are these?
What can He mean?
Peace is brokered every day,
But not the peace I give to you;
It cannot be stripped away.

I pondered all He said to me,
Never doubting what I heard.
Though heart and mind were troubled,
I believed His every word.

Peace to you, my daughter.
You are precious in my sight.
I am your strength and comfort,
Through the dark and lonely night.

The evening breeze turned cooler,
And a chill crept up my spine,
As I heard my Master whisper,
Daughter, you are Mine.

I can’t express the wonder
That filled my troubled soul —
To know my Savior loves me,
As He makes my spirit whole.

I know that I’ll not be alone,
As I slowly lose my sight.
I need not fear the night time
For I’m bathed within His light.

And so I journey onward,
My dreams held in His heart.
I need not fear the future,
For He will not depart.

So here with His assurance,
I can promise with each line,
You can hear the Master saying,
Beloved, you are mine.

© Jaye Lewis, November, 2009